Monday, May 31, 2010

Ithink you know that i know what your doing right now your telling your friend hoe much you love them . friends are the most awsome things to have if no on had friends the world woild be quiet and it would be horible every one would be fighting that is why friends are so good to have.

cool friend voki

do you have a blog and you really want to make it awsome add a voki there like really awsome you can make a voki that looks just like your friend.and you can put your voice on it. i think your friend would really apreceate it.

hey its ok

Do you have a friend that youve had for years and for all those years they have been so good to you.tyhat is a good friend .If you have a friend thatcalls you alot of namesthat is a terible friend so you shoul tell your bad frieng we have been frinds for not so long and your really not a good friend so i dont want to be your friend. and walk away.

how to solve it

this is how to solve it you just say ok. if you want to play a game than lets play tag . and they will probably sayok if thay say no than just say what do you want to playthen it will start to calm down and you'll be ok.

how to deal with FRIEND problome

hi i want to tell you about something that happens to alot of friends.someone says ''hey do you want to play a game ''and another person says ''no why would I'' and then you start to argue and its just a whole bunch of noise. ill tell you how to solve that in my next post.